Saltwater Freshwater Arts Alliance approaches community development from a positive perspective.

Culture is linked to the building of pride and self-esteem as well as providing a viable career path. You can help support our programs and activities which create culturally based training and employment opportunities for the Aboriginal communities on the Mid North Coast.

You are invited and encouraged to be part of the story..


Partner With Saltwater Freshwater Arts Alliance

Opportunities to support us include:

  • Corporate sponsorship
  • Festival or cultural program partnerships
  • Volunteering at our Festival
  • Donations

Our team will be delighted to contact you back to yarn about our upcoming projects and how you or your organisation can help.


The Alliance is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC) and holds Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) and Deductible Gift Recipient status with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

This allows for individuals and companies to donate to the Alliance. All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.

Copyright Cassandra Sutton Photographer


If your keen to get involved with our community events such as the Saltwater Freshwater Festival then the best way is by being a volunteer.

Jump on our festival page here or check out the latest news and media page for expressions of interest.

Want us to call you?

Our general manager Rick will be delighted to contact you back to yarn about our upcoming projects and how you or your organisation can help.